Vacation Rentals

What Permits Do I Need To Rent My Home In Sonoma?

If you are considering purchasing a home in Sonoma you may plan to offset the cost by renting the property on AirBnB.

To do so, you will need either a vacation rental permit or a hosted rental permit.

  1. Vacation Rental Permit.

    You will need a vacation rental permit if you will be renting a private residence for 30 days or less.

    You will be required to have a Certified Vacation Property Manager. In addition, you will need to meet performance standards to ensure compatibility with the surrounding residential uses.

  2. Hosted Rental Permit

    You will need a hosted rentals permit if you will be renting a single room or a sleeping area within a single-family dwelling and the property owner will remain in residence.

    It is important to understand that the zoning permit expires upon the sale of the property.

And so even if you purchase a property with a zoning permit you will need to obtain a new permit.

You can learn more here and here on how to obtain a zoning permit. The FAQ page here is helpful as well.

Please contact us at if you would like our assistance finding a great rental home in Sonoma.